Roles and permissions

A user role is a set of permissions for actions available within the Twikit web apps (example: create a product, delete a product, list orders, ...).

A role can be assigned to one or several users. You can imagine having a role named Administrator that will grant more access than another role named Manager that will itself grant more access than a third role named Intern, for example.

One user can have one or several roles. In the case a user has several user roles, the permissions given by each of its roles are cumulated.

A user role only exists within one organization. A user can have different roles in different organizations.

(Source: )

Create a new role

To create a new role:

  1. Go to Admin Portal and click on the Roles menu entry

  2. Click on Create button at the top

  3. Provide a name for the role

  4. Define a set of permissions associated with the role

  5. Click on the Save button

Assign a role to a user

To assign a role to a user:

  1. Go to Admin Portal and click on the Roles menu entry

  2. Click on Create button at the top

  3. Provide a name for the role

  4. Define a set of permissions associated with the role

  5. Click on the Save button

Change permissions of a role

To change permissions for an existing user role:

  1. Go to Admin Portal and click on the Roles menu entry

  2. Click on pencil icon of the role to edit

  3. Check / uncheck permissions you want

  4. Click on the Save button

Rights on Admin Portal

Access permission

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can log in to Admin Portal:

  • White labeled admin portal URL

  • CName URL (if configured).

Permissions on users

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can view other users in the organization, he will see a list of users on the Users page.


User can create new users in the organization, he will see a Create button on the Users page.


User can edit other users in the organization, he will see an Edit button next to each user on the Users page.


User can delete other users in the organization, he will see a Delete button next to each users on the Users page.

Permissions on API keys

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can view all API keys, he will see a list of available API keys in the organization on the API keys page.


User can create new API keys, he will see a Create button on the API keys page.


User can edit existing API keys, he will see an Edit button next to each key on the API keys page.


User can delete API keys, he will see a Delete button next to each key on the API keys page.

Permissions on permissions

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can view all permissions, he will see a list of available permissions in the organization on the Permissions page.


User can create new permissions, he will see a Create button on the Permissions page.


User can edit existing permissions, he will see an Edit button next to each permission on the Permissions page.


User can delete permissions, he will see a Delete button next to each permission on the Permissions page.

Permissions on roles

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can view all roles, he will see a list of available roles in the organization on the Roles page.


User can create new roles, he will see a Create button on the Roles page.


User can edit existing roles, he will see an Edit button next to each role on the Roles page.


User can delete roles, he will see a Delete button next to each role on the Roles page.

Permissions on organizations

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can view the active organization, he will see an organization profile on the Organizations page.


User can create new organizations that will be child companies of the existing organization. He will see a Create button on the Organizations page.


User can edit the current organization, he will see an Edit button next to the current organization on the Organizations page.


User can delete his organization, he will see a Delete button next to the organizations on the Organizations page.

Permissions on child organizations

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can view a list of child organizations on the Organizations page. He will be able to click on the name of a child organizations to switch the active organization. This permission is currently unused.


User can edit child organization profile information, he will see an Edit button next to each child organization on the organizations page. This permission is currently unused.


User can delete child organizations, he will see a Delete button next to each child organization on the Organizations page. This permission is currently unused.

Rights on Twikit Create

Access permission

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can log in to Twikit Create.

Permissions on products

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can view products, he will see all products on the Products page and can view product in the 3D product preview.


User can create products, he will see a Create button on the Products page.


User can view the edit mode of products, he can view the product graph in the product edit mode.


User can edit a product, he will be able to open a product in Edit mode and view the product graph. The user can set the algorithmic library version, Fit availability and restore a previous product version.


User can delete products, he will see a Delete button in the product side pane.


User can export products using the algorithmic server version, he will see an Export button on the product preview page. This permission is currently unused.


User can create Fit designs based on this product, he will see the product in Fit.


User can order this product, he will see the orders in Live. This permission is currently unused.


User can share products with other users in organizations that he has access to. This permission is currently unused.


User can view products that are shared with him. This permission is currently unused.

Permissions on assets

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can download product assets (resources and macro’s). He will see a download button in each asset in the Resource editor.


User can create new assets, he will see a Create button in the Resource editor.


User can edit existing assets, he will see an Edit button next to the resource in the Resource editor.


User can delete existing assets, he will see a Delete button next to the resource in the Resource editor.

Permissions on web plugin publishing

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can view a list of web plugins, he will see a list of previously published plugin URLs.


User can publish a new web plugin, he will see a Publish button in the Publish menu.

Permissions on product folders

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can view product folders. The user sees a product folders on the products overview page. This permission is currently unused.


User can create new product folders, he will see a Create button in the product overview page. This permission is currently unused.


User can edit existing product folders, he will see an Edit button in the context menu of a product folder. This permission is currently unused.


User can delete existing product folders, he will see a Delete button in the context menu of a product folder. A user needs additionally the create:product:delete permission to delete a folder with products. This permission is currently unused.


User can share product folders with other users in organizations that he has access to. This permission is currently unused.


User can view product folders that are shared with him. This permission is currently unused.

Rights on Twikit Live

Access permission

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can log in to Live.

Permissions on configurations

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can list all product configurations, he will see a list of configurations on the Configurations overview page.


User can view a product configuration, he will be able to open a configuration and see all contents.

If the user has no list access, he can only open a configuration directly through the URL of which he knows the ID.

Permissions on orders

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can list all orders that he has view rights to, he sees a list of orders on the Orders overview page.


User can see the basic information of an order, he can open the Order details page and see basic information such as order name, creation date, order status, indicative value, …

If the user has no list access, he can only open an order directly through the URL of which he knows the ID.


User can list and view only the orders that contain product parts which are tagged with the given tag.


User can create new orders. This permission is currently unused.


User can download order information as a CSV, he sees a Download button on the Order overview and detail pages.

Permissions on order files

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can view order files, he sees a download button next to each order file on the Order, Product and Part details pages.


User can edit order files, he sees an upload new file button on the Order, Product and Part details pages and can replace existing order files.

Permissions on manual actions

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can view manual actions, he sees a view with manual tasks on the order details page.


User can edit manual actions, he can execute manual tasks from the order details page and add comments.

Permissions on ordered products

Ordered products are also called order lines.

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can list all products that he has view rights to, he sees a list of ordered products the Products overview page.


User can see the basic information of a product, he can open the product details page and see general information such as product name, creation date, value per product, ordered amount …

If the user has no list access, he can only open a product directly through the URL of which he knows the ID.


User can list and view only the products that contain product parts which are tagged with the given tag.


User can create ordered products. This permission is currently unused.


User can download product information as a CSV, he sees a Download button on the Product overview and detail pages.

Permissions on ordered parts

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can list all ordered parts that he has view rights to, he sees a list of ordered parts the Parts overview page.


User can see the basic information of a part, he can open the part details page and see general information such as part name, creation date, manufacturing info, …

If the user has no list access, he can only open a part directly through the URL of which they know the ID.


User can list and view only the parts which are tagged with the given tag.


User can create ordered parts. This permission is currently unused.


User can download part information as a CSV, he sees a Download button on the Parts overview and detail pages.

Permissions on order flows

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can list all order flows, he sees a list of existing order flows on the Order Flows page.


User can see the content of an order flow, he sees a view button next to each order flow on the Order Flows page.


User can edit the content of an order flow, he sees an edit button next to each order flow on the Order Flows page.


User can create new order flows, he sees a create button on the Order Flows page.


User can delete existing order flows, he sees a delete button next to each order flow on the Order Flows page. This permission is currently unused.

Permissions on security keys

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can list all security keys, he sees a list of existing order flows on the Security Keys page.


User can see the content of a security key, he sees a view button next to each security key on the Security Keys page.


User can edit the content of a security key, he sees an edit button next to each security key on the Security Keys page.


User can create new security keys, he sees a create button on the Security Keys page.


User can delete existing security keys, he sees a delete button next to each security key on the Security Keys page. This permission is currently unused.

Rights on Twikit CMS

Access permission

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can log in to CMS.

Permissions on containers

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can list and view translation containers, he sees a list of containers on the home page of CMS.

A translation container in Twikit CMS contains the translations of multiple products and custom fields. Inside a container, translations are logically grouped in zones so they can be easily found and imported.


User can create new translation containers, he sees a create button on the home page of CMS.


User can edit the name and available languages of a translation container.

Permissions on translations

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can view a list of translation entries within a container.

A translation entry in CMS is a label, linked to a translation available in multiple languages. Translations are available for products (name, description, parameters, parameter options) and custom fields.


User can edit translations, he can upload new translations through a CSV file or manually update translations using the UI.

Rights on TwikFit and TwikFit Scanner

Access permissions

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can log in to Fit through one of the following URLs:


User can log in to the Fit Scanner app. It can be found on the Apple App Store under name “TwikFit Scanner”.

Permissions on clients

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can list all clients that he has created, he sees a list of clients on the Clients overview page.


User can list all clients, he sees a list of clients on the Clients overview page


User can view basic information of clients, he can open the Client details page.

If the user has no list access, he can only open a client directly through the URL of which he knows the ID.


User can edit a client, he sees an edit button on the Client details page.


User can create new clients, he sees a plus button on the Client details page.


User can delete a client, he sees a delete button on the Client details page.

Permissions on measurements

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can list all measurements that he has view rights to, he sees a list of measurements on the Measurements overview page.


User can list all measurements, he sees a list of measurements on the Measurements overview page.


User can view metadata information of measurements, he can open the Measurement details page.

If the user has no list access, he can only open a measurement directly through the URL of which he knows the ID.


User can edit the metadata of a measurement, he sees an edit button on the Measurement details page.


User can create new measurements, he sees a plus button on the Measurements details page.


User can delete a measurement, he sees a delete button on the Measurements details page.

Permissions on measurement files

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can view measurement files, he sees a download button next to each order file on the Measurement details page.


User can edit measurement files, he sees an upload new file button on the Measurement details page and can replace existing measurement files.


User can create new measurement files, he sees a plus button on the Measurement details page.


User can delete measurement files, he sees a delete button next to each measurement file on the Measurements details page.

Permissions on designs

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can list all designs that he has view rights to, he sees a list of designs on the Designs overview page.


User can list all designs, he sees a list of designs on the Designs overview page.


User can view basic information of designs, he can open the design details page.

If the user has no list access, he can only open a design directly through the URL of which he knows the ID.


User can edit the basic information design, he sees an edit button on the Design details page.


User can delete a design, he sees a delete button on the Design details page.


User can create new designs, he sees a create button on the Designs overview page.

Permissions on design flows

Permission name

Effect of permission on user interface


User can view the design flow, he sees a View design flow button on the Design details page.

To view a product design flow, the user needs access rights to view the product template in Create.


User can edit the design flow, he sees a Start designing or Continue designing button on the Design details page.

To edit a product design flow, the user needs access rights to view the product template in Create.