Reference docs for each of the full list of methods and functions available in the SDK.

Initialization methods




Checks if browser compatibility to visualize the web configurator.


Returns a list of available products to load in the web configurator.


Used to initialize and setup the SDK. All other SDK methods must be called after this one.


Used to initialize from an existing configuration and setup the SDK. All other SDK methods must be called after this one.


Check the validity of an existing configuration.

Context methods




Sets the value of a parameter.

Saves the current parameters with their values to a remote storage.


Set a predefined 3D scene environment.


Render a preview image of the 3D scene.

Static views methods




Get a list of static views that are defined on a product template.


Get an image of the product, given a static view.


Additional functionality for saving a product configuration, creating and retrieving orders, verifying payment information and more can be used through the available HTTP API.


API documentation


Order service

API documentation

Everything related to orders and order data.

Configuration service

Configuration service - API documentation

Store and retrieve product configurations.

Web plugin service (legacy)

Web SDK Reference - HTTP API web plugin service (legacy)

Create orders, retrieve order information and verify payments (legacy).