The broader mass customization eco-system can only be leveraged when different systems are connected. These systems being the various components necessary to deliver customized parts at a large scale. The benefits of the Twikit software for customers are that existing systems can easily connect with less effort than before. 

ERP and manufacturing planning integrations

Twikit has proven to integrate a digital flow for advanced industries such as automotive and medical, enabling on-demand and automized manufacturing by seamlessly integrating our proprietary software with existing systems. With connections to ERP, MES, and quality management systems, Twikit supports any workflow. It allows for a flawless manufacturing process that is not prone to errors, vital to all industries, and enables the digital manufacturing of lot size-1 orders.   

The Twikit software integration team supports IT teams with the installation and configuration of the end-to-end workflows. It enables the digital manufacturing of lot size-1 orders.   

Twikit partners with industry-leading software vendors and machine OEM to facilitate optimized connections and integration protocols with ERP and MES interfaces. 

3D printer and digital manufacturing connections 

Twikit integrates with machine software and planning systems. The deep understanding of how digital manufacturing orders are managed and how job optimizations can be realized is a unique quality found in Twikit’s order management software. Twikit offers consulting services to support organizations with the transition to digital, on-demand manufacturing workflows. 

Open and API based connections 

The open API-driven architecture of the Twikit solutions, TwikFit included, allows for flexibility when it comes to integrations with legacy systems and complementary technologies such as 3D scanners, customer interfaces and, manufacturing systems.  

Twikit allows standard API connections for the integration with manufacturing but provides clients with bespoke connections if required. A made-to-measure solution for every application and system.   

We guarantee the security of clients’ data and high integration quality through validation processes and extensive expertise. 

With our TISAX results available, Twikit provides proven proactive information security management for the automotive industry.