Users and organizations

A user is a person who can use or operate the Twikit software.

Users are uniquely identified by their e-mail address. No two users with the same e-mail address can exist within the system. Other user data such as first name and last name can be optionally provided in the system to improve user experience.

In Admin portal, users are organized in organizations. As a user, it is possible to belong to multiple organizations and have different roles within each organization.

An organization is uniquely identified by an organization ID (incremental number). Two organizations with the same name can exist within the system.

Register a new user account

To register a new user account and organization:

  1. Go to Admin Portal

  2. Click the ‘Register new user’ button on the login screen

  3. Fill in your first name, last name, e-mail and set a password according to the password policy.

  4. Provide the name of your organization (both must be unique)

  5. Complete the account setup with the instructions in the e-mail

Invite a user

To invite a new user to your organization:

  1. Go to Admin Portal and click on the Users menu entry

  2. Click the Add user button and fill in the new user details (user e-mail is required)

  3. This creates a new user in the organization with pending invite

  4. The new user will receive an invite e-mail with a link to set his or her password

  5. Once the account setup is complete, the pending invite will disappear

Possible issues with the invite link, contact your admin for a new invite link

  1. If the user is deleted from the system the invite link will be invalidated

  2. If the user doesn’t use the invite link in 1 hour (after the creation of the invite link), the link will be invalidated

Forgot password

To reset your password:

  1. Go to Admin Portal

  2. Click the ‘Forgot password’ button on the login screen and fill in your e-mail

  3. This sends an e-mail with a password reset link

  4. Complete the password reset procedure by following the instructions on the screen

  5. Note that passwords should comply with the password policy.

Add new organization

When starting a project with a new client, whose organization is not yet in Admin Portal, you can add the new organization as follows:

  1. Go to Admin Portal and click on the ‘Add organization’ menu entry

  2. Fill in the Name of the organization, and set Parent organization to Twikit.

  3. You can fill in address, phone number, email, website and contact person as well.

  4. On the right side you check all the access rights needed. Permissions are explained in detail here: Roles and permissions

    1. Usually you can check all five categories (live, create, fit, cms, admin) with some exceptions. Always uncheck the following:

      • live:security-key:list

      • live:security-key:view

      • live:security-key:edit

      • live:security-key:delete

      • admin:permission:create

      • admin:permission:edit

      • admin:permission:delete

      • admin:user-group:view

      • admin:user-group:edit

      • admin:user-group:create

      • admin:user-group:delete

      • admin:organization:child:view

      • admin:organization:child:edit

      • admin:organization:child:delete

  5. Click on Add button.

The organization is created and you can see its details. You might see an empty ‘Space Key’ field, which is deprecated in the new Admin Portal.

You should see now your organization also in Product Creator. If you don’t see it there, check the permissions and make sure the create:access is checked.

Then you can add users into the organization.

Working with multiple organizations

In some cases, a user needs access to multiple organizations. As an example, in a sublicensing model, the Twikit software can be licensed from a parent to a child organization. A user in the parent organization should be able to create the child organization and invite new users here.

Create a child organization

If a user has the permission admin:organization:create, he can create a new company within his own company. This new company will automatically become a child company within the user’s current organization.

To create a child organization:

  1. Go to Admin portal and lick the Organizations menu entry

  2. Click the Create button and fill out the organization details (organization name is required)

  3. This creates a new organization with your user as an admin

  4. Log out and back in again

  5. Switch to the newly created organization to manage the new organization in the same way

Switch between organizations

Even if your user has access to multiple organizations, only one organization is active at the same time in the UI of the different Twikit web apps.

To switch between organizations:

  1. Go to the home page on the Twikit web app where you want to switch organizations (Twikit Create, Twikit Live, Twikit CMS, Admin Portal or TwikFit)

  2. Click on the user avatar on the top right

  3. Use the dropdown menu to switch the active organization

Create a Super Admin

When working with parent and child organizations, a Super Admin account is advised.

The Super Admin has access to both the parent organization as its child organizations. A Super Admin can be set up within Admin Portal:

  1. Go to Admin Portal and click on the Users menu entry

  2. Create a new user or edit an existing user

  3. Check the Super Admin box in the pop-up canvas

  4. Click on the Add or Save button

Please take the following aspects into account when creating a Super Admin:

  • Reach out to Twikit support to have the first Super Admin account created for your organization.

  • Users can only become a Super Admin in their Parent organization, which is the organization they were created in.

  • A Super Admin will have access and all permissions in all organizations that are descendants of the Parent organization.

  • Only Super Admins can create other Super Admins.

  • Super Admin rights will be carried over to all Twikit applications (TwikFit, Twikit Create, Twikit Live).

  • A user who is a Super Admin in a child organization, cannot change the Super Admin status of a user who is in a higher up organization

  • A user who  is a Super Admin in a child organization, does not have access to a higher up organization(s) in all Twikit applications.