
Getting started with Create can be daunting due to the number of possibilities. The best way to master Create is to start small and expand from there by adding functionalities to this basic product.

By the end of this article, one should be able to create such a basic product.


Logging in and organisation

Create is fully web-based. The only requirements to use it are the possession of an account, a browser (preferably Google Chrome) and a stable internet connection.

To log in, go to and enter the login credentials.
Once logged in, the product overview page will show the last visited organisation as active.


Creating the first product

Getting the first simple product done in Create is essential to get started. The video below shows an example of such an easy product to start with.

To get started, the mesh of the video is also provided. Other meshes could be used as well, as long as they meet the resource requirements, see Resource requirements.