
πŸ‘‹ Welcome to the Create manual.

This manual is intended for people getting started with Create and wanting to make their first customizable product. If you have no access to Create and are in need of configurators, please Reach out to us here:

Who uses Create

Create is mainly used by people with a design or engineering background within their work context. Minimal CAD knowledge is required for smooth use of Create.

The use cases for Create are mainly the creation of product configurations intended for integration in a webshop or user interface.

Requirements for using Create

In order to use create, these requirements should be met:

  • Access to a browser on a PC (preferably Chrome)

  • A stable internet connection

  • Credentials for Create

  • A basic CAD knowledge

Key features of Create

  • πŸ” Secure platform to create, modify and release your products
    A single platform where all your product information is available. The platform allows one to create, modify, and publish their products for release.

  • πŸ”— Create and parameterize products with a graph-based tool
    The graph-based tool provides a drag-and-drop interface to build your product definition starting from raw resources such as meshes, fonts, textures and materials.

  • 🌐 Live 3D view in the web configurator
    The goal of Create is to parameterize products that can be used in a web configurator. With the live 3D view option, a product designer can directly see the result of what they’re creating.

  • πŸ“‹ Manage your product resources for visualization and production
    The UI allows you to manage product resources for visualization and production separately. This is important to optimize the performance of your web configurator while keeping high-quality production files.

  • πŸŽ₯ Set your 3D scene, camera and lighting options
    The product creator UI provides options to configure your 3D scene, camera and lighting settings.

Introduction to Create