Welcome to the Twikit Admin Portal documentation. This is the right place to find information about your Twikit account, how to manage users in your organization, create new organizations and assign user roles.

Intro video


Highlighted features

  • Security first
    The Twikit accounts that can be created and managed through Admin Portal are secured through the Ory Hydra implementation of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID connect.
    More about the tough security architecture of Ory Hydra and Kratos

  • Flexible and fine-grained permission management
    Admin Portal’s features allow to manage user permissions in a very flexible and fine-grained way. Users are free to create their own roles to suit the organization’s needs.
    Learn all about Roles and Permissions here

  • Managing parent and child organizations
    Managing multiple organizations is a key feature of Admin Portal. This means that a single users can be part of many organizations. Multiple organizations are supported throughout all Twikit web apps. This allows use cases like sublicensing the Twikit software. Did you know that Admin Portal is fully white labeled?
    Become a pro in user and organization management

  • White labeled
    Admin Portal is fully white labeled. If you access it through the white labeled URL or set up your own CName, there is not a trace of the Twikit brand.
    Request your CName through the Twikit support desk