TwikFit, an open platform

TwikFit is a open and scalable web platform that is extensible in many ways. Being scalable and open is more easily said than done. This is why, in this article, we will go in depth through all the options to tailor TwikFit to your needs.

Your own product design library

The TwikFit platform can be seen as a marketplace to offer custom-fit products based on your own branded product designs.

Designs can have endless design and parameterization options and can leverage the TwikFit features to make them custom-fit on a scanned body part.

→ Discover the design workflows available in TwikFit

→ Add your own bespoke product templates

Fit your organization structure, always secure

Whether you want to allow the users in your organization to design custom-fit products, work with distributors or have hospitals under your control that want to manage their own users: Admin Portal can model the organization structure that you need.

→ Learn about Admin Portal in the Twikit ecosystem

→ How to create a child company with Admin Portal

Unique designs with unique identifiers

The main goal of TwikFit is to streamline the creation and manufacturing of unique files. An indispensable feature here is the ability to place unique codes on the generated files.

The platform allows for individual and unique ID identifiers to be physically added to each part. This ID is imprinted into the orthoses. In turn, the unique identifier can be used to track a product throughout production, provide origin information, or assist in the logistics for manufacturing. 

→ The unique identifier format

Client or patient info: required and optional fields

Fully customize the client or patient information that you need to keep track of in your organization’s space. To enable this option, send us a list of required and optional client fields that should be configured. Our development team will make sure this is set up for your organization.

Branding options

The user interface of TwikFit can be themed to match your company branding. There are multiple layouts and theming options available that allow you to personalize the UX and apply your branding colour scheme, font styles, and logo. Next to this, you can connect a custom domain.

→ Browse the list of supported branding options

Order flows

Twikit’s order management software executes order flows upon receiving a custom-fit design to be manufactured. Order flows contain the sequence of steps that you want to execute, including calling API’s, integrations with remote manufacturing networks, ...

→ Learn about Twikit Live in the Twikit ecosystem

→ Twikit Live full documentation and tutorials

API integrations

Coming soon

TwikFit API integrations are developed for customers who have their own development team and would like to have full flexibility on retrieving and setting data.

→ Contact us to learn more about this integration option.